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My Leadership Blog

Contingency Theories Blog #3: And the Nominees are...

I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of my fellow HTM classmates grow and start achieving some really amazing opportunities since being in this program and I can't wait to see more great things happen. Everyone is so encouraging and motivating of one another it really is a wonderful thing to see. So on that note....

Courage: Sarah Bullat- I really enjoyed reading her blog and open up about being very shy and quiet growing up and then now she is sitting on the Executive Council of her sorority and really taking on a strong leadership role in her life. She really stepped out of her comfort zone and put herself out there to become a very strong and confident young woman. Get it girl!

Coherence: Anthony Le- Anthony really demonstrated a consistency of leadership and also humility throughout his blog. Especially when saying that his actions reflect on his hotel and he aims to make it the number one hotel in San Diego. Keep up those positive vibes Anthony!

Crafty: Cody Emerson- Opening his page I was immediately impressed with his layout and title and thought it presented such a positive, strong style. Having the chess picture with the quote, "If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, He would keep it in port forever", and then a really great chess picture in the background with the title "The Mark of a Leader", was such an awesome idea. Great job Cody!

Clever: Amy Belgum.​ I absolutely love Amy's blog and the strong confidence that it immediately displays when you go to her page. "Who Runs the Workplace" is an extremely clever and catchy approach. It is displayed throughout her blog and everything she writes. I also love that incorporated her Pinterest that shows all of her leadership quotes! So creative, motivating and also adorable. Love it Amy!


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