In the book, "Good to Great" by Jim Collins, he talks about an individual who blends extreme personal humility with intense professional will. They were self-effacing individuals who displayed the fierce resolve to do whatever needed to be done to make the company great. They really have to know what it's like to be a follower to move on to be a leader, and taking each situation to mind and knowing which kind of leader they need to be in that time.
Level 1: Highly Capable Individual
At this level, you make high quality contributions with your work. You possess useful levels of knowledge; and you have the talent and skills needed to do a good job.
Level 2: Contributing Team Member
At Level 2, you use your knowledge and skills to help your team succeed. You work effectively, productively and successfully with other people in your group.
Level 3: Competent Manager
Here, you're able to organize a group effectively to achieve specific goals and objectives.
Level 4: Effective Leader
Level 4 is the category that most top leaders fall into. Here, you're able to galvanize a department or organization to meet performance objectives and achieve a vision.
Level 5: Great Leader
At Level 5, you have all of the abilities needed for the other four levels, plus you have the unique blend of humility and will that's required for true greatness.